Enhanced Ketamine Assisted Therapy Program: Preparation, Facilitation, & Integration.
While Ketamine is becoming widely recognized as an effective treatment to relieve severe forms of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, some are also discovering its potential as a Psychedelic Medicine with abilities to elevate states of consciousness, open new access to creativity and inspiration, and to release previously stuck patterns, narratives, and dynamics that often lead to a diminished quality of life.
So, even if you are not paralyzed by extreme forms of Mental Illness, but simply find yourself numb to the joys of life, operating on auto-pilot most of the time, feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and not ever truly present with the people that are most important to you, Ketamine can help to reconnect you to your Highest Self so that you can create the relationships you want, and live the life you deserve.
Please take the time to watch the video below to learn more. And if you want to know how this Program works and how it may help you, contact us now.
What's Included in The Enhanced Ketamine Assisted Therapy Program (IV Treatment):
We are with you every step of the way.
2 In Person Preparation Sessions.
To help prepare you for the emotional, physical, and perhaps more spiritual or mystical aspects of your upcoming Ketamine experience.
1 Onsite Facilitation Session.
You will be supported, in person, for an easy transition into the actual medicine journey.
2 In Person Facilitation Sessions.
Between Infusions 3 & 4, and Infusions 5 & 6, you will be supported and guided as you process each infusion session
2 In Person or Virtual Integration Sessions.
After your full 3 week/6 Infusion Protocol is finished, you will be supported in continuing to process and integrate your experiences, and reinforce the new neural pathways you have created and the changes you have made.
Optional Integration Group.
Once you have gone through the 8 week Program, you will be eligible to join this group that will cycle every 3 months. Here, you will have an opportunity to reinforce and maintain the new life you have created for yourself.
Upcoming Option:
We are with you every step of the way.
AT HOME Ketamine Assisted Therapy (Oral/Lozenge Treatment).
Details soon!
For more information, contact us below:
Is It Right For Me?
Start here to discover more.
You Want Some Science?
Watch what the researchers at Yale Medical School have to say:
You Want Some More Science?
Let Andrew Huberman explain the science behind Ketamine treatment..